Fietsen langs de Vogelboulevard

Cycling along the bird boulevard

Cycle route along the Bird Boulevard

The Bird Boulevard consists of a large number of birding areas along the east side of the island. If you like to cycle with a wide view and watch birds, this is highly recommended!

Cycle route Bird Boulevard

Natuurmonumenten has described a cycling route that takes you past each of the areas. Do you have Natuurmonumenten's route app? If so, the ranger will give you tips on the best and most beautiful spots along the way.

Bird-watching by bike

Natuurmonumenten manages various areas along the east coast of Texel. Some of these areas are inside the dikes, others outside. On land, birds can brood and raise their chicks in peace, while the sea is bursting with food. Birds are constantly flying back and forth with food. If you cycle along the Bird Boulevard, you can spot plenty of birds here, especially in spring.

The nature reserves along the bird boulevard

Successively you will pass the areas Prins Hendrikzanddijk, Molenkolk, Ottersaat, Dijkmanshuizen, Zandkes, Minkewaal, Wagejot, Drijvers Vogelweid De Bol, Utopia, De Schorren and De Volharding. In these areas, you will see plenty of birds such as oystercatchers, spoonbills, gulls and many waders.

Rent a bike on Texel

Don't have your own bikes and still want to discover this special route? Then hire a (electric) bike from one of the cycle hire companies on the island. Booking online is wise:

More about birds on Texel

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