Texelse Asperges krieltjes lamsvlees VVV Texel Fotograaf Annette van Ruitenburg

Recipe: lamb with Texel asparagus and baby potatoes

The first of June is when the annual Texel lamb season starts; you can buy the new lamb from that date.

Lamb saddle is a luxury piece of lamb consisting of two lamb tenderloins and two lamb fillets from the back. Combine this piece of meat with asparagus and potatoes grown on Texel for a delicious dinner recipe!

Ingredients for 4 persons

  • 1 Lamb saddle (meat from the lamb’s back
  • 500 gram asparagus
  • 200 gram Texel baby potatoes
  • fresh herbs (thyme, rosemary, oregano and sage)
  • 4 dessert spoons olive oil
  • 25 grams butter
  • sun-dried tomatoes
  • pinch of pepper and salt
  • 100 gram rocket


Take the meat out of the fridge half an hour before use. Preheat the oven to 160°C. Place the meat in an oven dish and sprinkle the olive oil, butter, herbs, sun-dried tomatoes, salt flakes and freshly-ground pepper over it.

Roast the meat at 160°C for 10 minutes, then 30 minutes at 140°C. The roasting time is 20 minutes per 500 g, so roast a larger piece of meat for longer at 140°C if necessary.

Leave the lamb to rest for 10 to 15 minutes before serving. That leaves you enough time to boil the Texel baby potatoes (in their skins) and the asparagus. Lastly, garnish the dish with some rocket.

Enjoy your meal!

Culinair journalist

Annette lives in De Waal and is the author of several cookbooks. You may know them: The Taste of and Lekker Wads. Characteristic of Annette's recipes is that they consist of as many Texel ingredients as possible and you can make a nice trip to collect them. Every month, Annette writes a recipe for VVV Texel.

Annette van RuitenburgRecipe writer

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