Just Texel

Rent out your holiday home on Texel

Do you have an accommodation on Texel? You can easily and lucrative rent it out via our platform.

Enormous range

Every year, more than 2 million Texel fans from all over the world visit our website texel.net. So your accommodation can be seen by potential tenants every day. We also organise year-round campaigns to draw extra attention to accommodation.

Set your own prices and availability

If you want to offer your holiday home, hotel, B&B or campsite via texel.net, you use our Travelbase reservation system. You determine the prices and availability of your accommodation yourself. Only available periods are offered via the site. We will be happy to advise you on good pricing. It is also possible to apply an automatic last-minute discount.

Link with other systems

Do you use your own booking programme? Our platform is linked to various online systems such as AICN, Bookzo, Vaptex and Smarthotel. So availability is automatically up-to-date. Receive the full rental price before arrival. No hassle with payments, we take care of this for you. You will receive the rental price in your bank account well before the arrival of your guests.

Low costs

VVV Texel is a non-profit foundation. We therefore charge only 10% commission (ex VAT).

For the island

As a landlord, you become a member of TOP (Texel Entrepreneurs Platform). This makes you part of the active community of entrepreneurs on Texel. Your TOP contribution is used for the active promotion of Texel as a tourist destination. Renting out via VVV Texel therefore benefits the island economy!

Online reviews

Guests can rate your holiday home online. The online reviews give you useful information that you can use to further improve your holiday home.

We are at your service

As a landlord, you can always contact us. We are happy to answer your questions and can help you enter prices and availability.

Easily organised

After registering with TOP Texel, your accommodation can be bookable within a week via www.texel.net.

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